
Phaladeepika pdf in kannada
Phaladeepika pdf in kannada

phaladeepika pdf in kannada

This is a rare classic on astrology,its in kannada but not the latest version it is old kannada but the best shat samudrika shastra Gaayatri jyotish. Sloka 2 : I, the astrologer Mantreswara, first make my reverent obeisance to Saraswati - the Muse of Learning, to my family-deity, to my parents and teachers, to the nine planets beginning with the Sun, which bestow omniscience (viz. Jataka Chandrika Kannada Rare Free download as PDF File (.pdf) or read online for free. Secretary to the Government of Mysore (Retd. This is the sanskrit classical work phaladeepika by Mantreswara.Pandit Bhusan V.Subramanya shastri has translated this work.He has also given additional points from his experience and also from other classical works.

phaladeepika pdf in kannada

24.The Asthakavarga effects as stated in Horasara 25.Upagrahas 26.The transits of planets 27.Ascetic yogas 28.Conclusion ADHYAYA – I Sloka 1 : May we be blessed with beatitude without end by that Supreme Reality -the one heavenly tight without a second (the Sun), which, when once above the horizon, remains on end in full view of the moon-dwellin g manes, pole-dwelling celestials and the earth-dwellin g mortals, for (i.e., which has for these beings a diurnal are measuring) half a synodic lunar month, half a solar year and the entire day time of a solar nycthemeron respectively, and which sometimes (to wit, with northern declination under north polar heaven) is dextral (i.e., moves on almucantars from left to right), and sometimes (to wit, with southern declination under south polar heaven), sinistral (i.e., moves on almucantars from right to left). PHALADEEPIKA - Free ebook download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read book online for free.

Phaladeepika pdf in kannada